Dr. Greg Bollella, Distinguished Engineer and Principle Investigator
for Real-Time Java at Sun Microsystems Laboratories, has been
interested in algorithms and software architectures that support the
deterministic execution of logic within general-purpose operating
systems and virtual machines since 1992.
While a Senior Architect at IBM, he led the Real-Time for Java Expert
Group under the Java Community Process which developed the Real-Time
Specification for Java (RTSJ) and as the first helped establish the
At Sun Labs, he leads internal and external projects developing and
supporting the RTSJ, especially for control and sensor system
architectures. He concurrently holds a position at NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratories as Distinguished Visiting Scientist and is
working on developing software architectures for spacecraft.
Golden Gate, a project Greg leads, is a collaboration with Carnegie
Mellon University West and Caltech's Jet Propulsion Labs. The project
is developing new software architectures for large, distributed,
real-time control systems.
Mackinac, Greg's main project based in Sun Labs Europe, is a
product-level quality implementation of the RTSJ. Mackinac is currently
working closely with several early-release customers and accepting
other customers.
Greg holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation research is in real-time
scheduling theory and real-time systems implementation.