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Welcome to FORMATS/FTRTFT'04 Registration Online !

Please read the following explanations carefully, before proceeding to the online registration.


The registration fee (in Euros) includes conference attendance, handouts, proceedings, refreshments and lunches.
The conference dinner is not included in the registration fee.

(after September 1)



300 €
200 €
360 €
240 €

44 €

*Student rate: A copy of the student card should be sent with the registration form.


Credit Card: You will receive the credit card form via e-mail.
This form should be printed, signed and faxed to +33  4  56  52  03  44
Your signature is mandatory for registration (see "How to Register" below).

Check: Your check must be drawn on a European bank in Euros, and made payable to
“Agent comptable du CNRS Délégation Rhône-Alpes Site Alpes”.

Credit transfer: Payable to Tresor Public
Account n°10071 38000 00001000056-72
IBAN: FR76 1007 1380 0000 0010 0005 672
References: FORMATS/FTRTFT 04

Bon de commande: (for French academia only) :
Should be sent to the CNRS. If your “bon de commande" is from the CNRS, please do not include VAT.

How to Register

  1. After completing the online registration, you will receive an email.
  2. You are kindly requested to print it, fill the payment information,
    sign and send it by fax to: Claudia Laidet/Verimag: +33 4 56 52 03 44
    Checks and "bons de commandes" must be sent to:
    Claudia Laidet
    Verimag - Centre Equation
    2, avenue de Vignate
    38610 Gières, France
  3. Reception of your fax will be acknowledged by an e-mail from Verimag within two working days.
  4. Your registration will become effective only once your fax has been acknowledged.
You can register exactly once! Thus please, before confirming your registration, check carefully that all the information is correct. We cannot accept hand-annotated faxes or change your registration manually.

If you try to register a second time, your request will be rejected. If the email address you provide is invalid, you won't receive a confirmation email.

In case you have any problem with registering, please contact

Register now !